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Buy Spanish property through Hondon Villas, the first local AIPP Real Estate Agent, now with 7+ years membership.

Disclaimer: Hondon Villas have supplied these property details, photographs and information in good faith. However, the information here may have changed since publication and so we offer them only as a guide. They do not form any part of a contract or agreement. Prospective purchasers / renters should satisfy themselves of the accuracy of any information given on this website. If you are purchasing a property, we recommend using an independent and qualified solicitor who is familiar with Spanish property laws.

Advertencia: Hondon Villas han suministrado estos detalles de propiedad, fotograf铆as e informaci贸n de buena fe. Sin embargo, la informaci贸n que aqu铆 puede haber cambiado desde su publicaci贸n y lo que les ofrecen s贸lo como una gu铆a. Ellos no forman parte de un contrato o acuerdo. Los potenciales compradores / inquilinos deben cerciorarse de la exactitud de la informaci贸n proporcionada en este sitio web. Si va a comprar una propiedad, se recomienda el uso de un abogado independiente y calificado que est茅 familiarizado con las leyes de propiedad espa帽ola.

Tuesday 23rd of April 2024 :   in , Spain. (PV )

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©2024 HONDON VILLAS [NIF B42662981], Costa Blanca South, Spain (since 2006) | EMAIL: property @t hondonvillas.net
An AIPP registered ESTATE AGENT in the HONDON VALLEY | Hondon de los Frailes | Hondon de las Nieves
Villas, Homes and Apartments in the Hondon Valley | Real Estate (Spanish Property) Agents.